写了一个腾讯 AI 开放平台 SDK.

最近打算把 Jarvis 的部分外接功能从百度 AI 平台转到腾讯 AI 平台,但是腾讯 AI 并没有提供 SDK,所以自己写了一个分享出来。

这里面与百度 AI 平台之间主要的区别是腾讯的平台有一个鉴权机制,在调用 API 时除了一些基本参数之外,还需要提供一个根据 API 所需所有参数字典算出来的一个 MD5 码。格式以官方的 DEMO 作为参考并做了一定的改动,可读性相比 DEMO 有一定提高。


源码如下:(与最终版本可能会有差别,以 GitHub 上的项目内代码为主)

    # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_

    import hashlib
    import urllib.parse
    import urllib.request
    import urllib.error
    import json
    import time
    import base64
    import os

    # 接口api
    url_prefix = 'https://api.ai.qq.com/fcgi-bin/'

    class AiPlat(object):
        def __init__(self, app_id, app_key):
            self.app_id = app_id
            self.app_key = app_key
            self.data = {}
        def genSignString(self, parser):
            uri_str = ''
            for key in sorted(parser.keys()):
                if key == 'app_key':
                uri_str += "%s=%s&" % (key, urllib.parse.quote(str(parser[key]), safe=''))
            sign_str = uri_str + 'app_key=' + self.app_key
            hash_md5 = hashlib.md5(sign_str.encode("latin1"))
            return hash_md5.hexdigest().upper()

        def invoke(self, params):
            self.url_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode(encoding='utf-8')
            req = urllib.request.Request(self.url, self.url_data)
                rsp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
                str_rsp = rsp.read()
                dict_rsp = json.loads(str_rsp.decode('utf-8'))
                return dict_rsp
            except urllib.error.URLError as e:
                dict_error = {}
                if hasattr(e, "code"):
                    dict_error = {}
                    dict_error['ret'] = -1
                    dict_error['httpcode'] = e.code
                    dict_error['msg'] = "sdk http post err"
                    return dict_error
                if hasattr(e, "reason"):
                    dict_error['msg'] = 'sdk http post err'
                    dict_error['httpcode'] = -1
                    dict_error['ret'] = -1
                    return dict_error

        # 智能闲聊
        def getNlpTextChat(self, question):
            self.data = {}
            self.url = url_prefix + 'nlp/nlp_textchat'
            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'session': 10000,
                'question': question
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            return self.invoke(self.data)["data"]["answer"]

        # 语音识别
        def aai_asr(self, filepath):  # filepath为音频文件的存档位置

            res = str(base64.b64encode(open(filepath, "rb").read()), 'utf-8')

            self.url = 'https://api.ai.qq.com/fcgi-bin/aai/aai_asr'
            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'format': 2,
                'speech': res,
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            return self.invoke(self.data)['data']['text']

        # 语音合成
        def aai_tts(self, sentence, filepath):  # filepath为音频文件的存档位置

            self.url = url_prefix + 'aai/aai_tts'
            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'speaker': 6,
                'format': 2,
                'volume': 0,
                'speed': 100,
                'text': sentence,
                'aht': 0,
                'apc': 58,
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            result = self.invoke(self.data)['data']['speech']

            with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                res = base64.b64decode(result)

        # 文字翻译
        def textTrans(self, sentence):

            self.url = url_prefix + 'nlp/nlp_texttrans'
            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'type': 0,  # 设置翻译模式,英译中、中译英、英汉互译
                'text': sentence,
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            return self.invoke(self.data)['data']['trans_text']

        # 语音翻译
        def speechTrans(self, filepath):  # filepath为音频文件的存档位置
            res = str(base64.b64encode(open(filepath, "rb").read()), 'utf-8')

            self.url = url_prefix + 'nlp/nlp_speechtranslate'
            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'format': 8,  # MP3
                'seq': 0,
                'end': 1,  # Finished or in line
                'seq': 0,
                'session_id': 'test1',  # Name of the sppech sequence if it occur
                'speech_chunk': res,
                'source': 'zh',  # source language
                'target': 'en',  # target language
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            return [self.invoke(self.data)['data']['source_text'], self.invoke(self.data)['data']['target_text']]

        def getAaiWxAsrs(self, filepath, speech_id, end_flag):
            self.url = url_prefix + 'aai/aai_wxasrs'
            file_len = os.path.getsize(filepath)
            res = str(base64.b64encode(open(filepath, "rb").read()), 'utf-8')

            self.data = {
                'app_id': self.app_id,
                'app_key': self.app_key,
                'time_stamp': int(time.time()),
                'nonce_str': int(time.time()),
                'format': 2,
                'rate': 16000,
                'bits': 16,
                'seq': 0,
                'len': file_len,
                'end': end_flag,
                'speech_id': speech_id,
                'speech_chunk': res,
                'cont_res': 1,
            self.data['sign'] = self.genSignString(self.data)

            return self.invoke(self.data)['data']['speech_text']

    client = AiPlat('', '')

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